Astigmatism is a common treatable condition. The eye curvature of the eye has a special shape which makes it look more like a rugby ball rather than a football. This means the light rays are being focused in various places along the retina. As a result the image formed on the retina is blurred for both distance and near. Astigmatism is not a disease. It is just a medical term that describes a variation in the shape of the eye. Astigmatism can be the result or a variation in the shape or the cornea or the lens of the eye.
Astigmatism can be Regular or Irregular:
Genetic factors play an important role in the development of astigmatism. People are often born with astigmatism which may or may not settle as the eye grows. Other causes of astigmatism can include trauma or ocular surgery.
Astigmatism is often managed by glasses prescription which ensure that all the light that enters the eye is focused at a single point on the retina. Occasionally this cannot be achieved by glasses and special contact lenses are prescribed. In the presence of an underlying condition further procedures may be necessary to avoid worsening of the astigmatism.
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Limassol 3031
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